Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Beginning or the End or (an) End or a (new) Beginning?

Martha & Hillary's 2009 Reflection...

In January 2010, we are crafting the last of our monthly writing contributions - LAST, but not final.  I (Hillary), say not final, because Martha and I may choose to write and post on random dates or at unplanned times throughout 2010.  The transition from a monthly writing process to something less structured is partially because we enter the 2010 New Year with plans that have morphed as we have changed.  We are different women because of our work and relationship.  We remember the original moment ~ 14 months ago over a chai latte ~ when we commited to writing and working together into an unforeseen future - a moment that continues to propel us into surprising conversation and new spaces. 

Practically, the morphed plans means we are not currently taking appointments together in a therapeutic context, but we are continuing to read, write, and gather with women of "like mind and heart."  We are available for private consulations in our area of passion, joint-work, and training; specifically focusing on our work with mothers, daughters, and women.  The last year(+) of our wondering and work has continued to remind us of the significant value of women living life two-by-two, side-by-side, not alone.  

**To be seen by one woman is a gift.  To be known deeply by several women is a treasure.  To be loved by women who have loved themselves well is rare & priceless.**

You will see our reflective, January 2010 entry soon!  Thanks to all who read our writing.  We are greatful.  We have both grown tremendously through the process.

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